Ode for the Dead

Who are we?
We are the women who were.
We loved, we cried, we fought and laughed.
We lived our lives.

I was cooking the evening meal. Three men came.
I was walking home from school.
My mother sold me to a strange man.
I was attacked by the police after a peaceful protest.

Who are we?
We are the dead
Haunting your dreams
We are the beggar women
Haunting your streets.

My favorite teacher grabbed me.
My boyfriend …
My father …
My family married me to a man three times my age.

Justice. Justice. Justice.
We sing our lives, our deaths.
Find us justice.

(Note: This poem is about real attacks on real women. These things happen to women all over the world, every day. This is an entry in my ongoing attempt to talk about the injustices women face in their everyday lives and how I feel about those injustices.)

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  1. Excellent poem and i agree with you on the pricipal too.
    But i have to wonder why it specifically about women.
    Don’t men suffer injustice too?

    • Yes, men suffer injustice. I don’t think that bringing attention to one type of injustice negates other types of injustice or means that attention cannot be brought to those areas, too. Like I said in the note, this is part of an ongoing series on this blog where I work through my feelings about injustice towards women and what is being done about it and what should be about it. I encourage you to find out more about all forms of injustice, and use your work to call attention to the areas that really call out to you.

  2. Lovely….This is a perfect poem. A round of applause for this. Great work…Super Cheers!!!

  3. As a poet I feel that these types of things need to be presented for the world to see and hear..well done!

    • Thank you. Yes, I agree with you — one of the purposes of poetry is highlighting injustice.

  4. crack! i like the sharpened point of your poetry stick…you caught my heart with it as you described being sold…

  5. i was shocked when i read this poem..
    remembering that one of my friends got raped by her own uncle.
    you should publish this poem in the bigger media for encouraging people to respect and take care women more.

    • Thank you for your kind words. I will think about publishing in a wider frame, although that’s not something I’m really doing right now.

  6. really and did this happened to you?

    • No, nothing as terrible as this poem has happened to me. It’s not meant to be one woman talking, but many. Each line that begins ‘I’ or ‘My’ is a different woman or girl. The lines about ‘We’ and ‘us’ are all the women speaking.

  7. powerful message, loved it very much!

  8. Poignant lines and message; also admire your justification and intention for this one. cheers

  9. reminder:

    always #1: return favors to poets who were here for you,
    #2:visit 18 poets that are NEW to you

    please let me know after you are done,
    have fun!

  10. marked you down..

  11. The Perfect Poet Award 4 Thursday Poets Rally Week 23

    you win week 23 the perfect poet award…
    have fun!

  12. Thanks for writing this Morgana.

  13. This poem truly touched my heart.. women are treated in a very bad way everywhere and no one will truly stand for their rights except themselves.
    Amazing theme, words and structure. Thank you.

  14. So powerful and moving. You can really get a sense of what those women had to go through.

  1. The June 2010 Just Posts « collecting tokens
  2. Ode for the Dead in June 2010 Just Posts « Lizbeth's Garden

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