The Epicentre

Deep in the glacier, Erik let go my wrist and said, ‘Stefan, this is my wife, Judy. She just arrived from town. The snow monster attacks are almost constant now.’

A slim, dark haired man turned from a table and smiled at me. ‘How can you bear to be married to him? He does not understand the niceties at all. Have you been offered some tea?’

I shook my head mutely, awed by his accent and air of authority.

‘Well, no matter. Here is some now.’ He held out a steaming mug to me. I took it gratefully.

‘Please, have a seat, and then tell me everything that has happened with the snow monsters recently. What compelled you to come here?’

I explained about the increasing attacks, the disappearance of Kitty Cat, and my fear for the children and how I had left them safely in the basement of the neighbor, and my terrifying journey here.

Stefan nodded. ‘You were right to come here. This is valuable information. We have just about located the epicentre of the attacks, and we are on the verge of determining the origin of the snow monsters.’

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